The 30/60/90 Plan
A 30/60/90 is simply a plan of what hires will do in their first 90 days. Ideally it should closely align with the Role Proposal you created for the job in the first place.
A good 30/60/90 will be:
- Very specific, with goals orientated around the original role proposal.
- Quantifiable, with specific targets to hit.
- Bought into. Ideally the hire, having seen the role proposal, is going to come up with their own 30/60/90 that you will sign off on. This will ensure that they have bought into the plan.
- Achievable. Hires should be getting easy wins early on.
We suggest splitting out things the hire should learn from things the hire should do, as well as splitting things out by time period.
We have created a sample 30/60/90 here for you to use as inspiration.
Goal: Meet everyone, gain context, figure out how to find answers for different foundational questions and then find them
- What do the products do?
- Who are the types of people who use them? Why?
- What do all the teams do? What are their goals and targets?
- What does the growth team do? How does the team work together?
- What content exists? What’s the content creation and publishing process?
- What data is available? Where does it come from?
- Participate in ongoing content projects: data playbook, CMO book, persona pages, etc.
- Practice SQL, look through some tables, get an idea of how long it takes for different queries to run
- Review the data index and add requests to Julie’s new Asana board
- Begin support for Clearbit X
- Create drip campaign for X leads awaiting response
- Create re-engagement campaign for X signup flow abandonment
- Publish a blog post
- Read as much as possible
Goal - Understand how we’re using content, explore how to maximize and expand it
- What do the products do?
- How can I identify customers across each product and their usage?
- What types of people are consuming what types of content? How do they get there? How much are they seeing?
- How can I connect some of these ideas to OKRs?
- Write a blog post
- Set up CS alerts to provide early notification of changes in account behavior
- Continue to learn SQL, maybe look for an online course or a workshop
- Create a visualization of our existing (and potentially future) content
- How do people find different types of content? When? (Why?)
- How do they move between content types?
- Not necessarily the same as this onboarding diagram or the second image here, but these are the sorts of previous projects that made me think of the idea
- Based on learnings from visualization process above, find opportunities to expand current content and start to build some out
- Are there useful examples buried in a PDF that can be pulled into an event-triggered email?
- Can a great support article inspire a more specific blog post?
- What can be quickly updated and resurfaced on social media?
- Set up 10 (mostly simple but hopefully a few not-as-simple) A/B tests on existing pieces of content, probably blog/email
- Set up URL parameters in and follow email contact back to website
Goal - Take everything learned so far and begin to build larger programs
- What do the products do?
- Start a newsletter that automatically delivers relevant blog content to customers
- Set up, execute, and report on content-based website experiments, beginning with the blog (but potentially other pages too)
- Work with Brian on implementation and reporting
- Simple example: add company name or industry into headline
- Less simple example: link a targeted+related post dynamically within an article
- Do my part to improve
- Migrate “plain text” email to slightly plainer text to improve formatting
- Create a system for executing and reporting of multivariate testing (more than two variants at once) in
- Create naming convention
- Delete/archive old content
- Create automated lifecycle emails that scale onboarding & customer marketing / awareness (messages continue to add value, automate while supporting any 1:1 interactions, create awareness / demand across all Clearbit products)
- Set up a content bot
⬇ (Potential) Zone of Genius ⬇
- Booking and planning one- or two-person travel
- Listening to other people’s stories and trying to offer new insight when I feel like the insight I’m offering is valuable
- Setting up new things I’ve never done before where I know I can execute almost everything by myself (content bot)
- Setting up new things I’ve never done before where I’ll get to work with others (personalized newsletter, website experimentation)
- Writing (or editing) things where I’m both interested and confident in the subject and with reasonable time
- Testing things as many ways as possible and reporting results
- Learning about data (figuring out how to use segments, copy/pasting SQL, getting Liquid to calculate math, etc.)
- Visualizing things
- Doing things I’ve done successfully many times before (setting up a static newsletter, linear drip campaigns)
- Setting up integrations, configuring software
- Writing or editing things where I’m less familiar
- Organizing things, data/content migration, etc.
- Visiting the dentist
⬆ Opposite end ⬆