
Postmortem Example

Google’s postmortem template uses a Shakespearean sonnet example to bring it to life. Significant facts are outlined from the get-go, including date, authors, status, summary, impact, and root causes. The trigger, resolution, and detection are all defined on the first page, giving readers a big-picture understanding of the project in minutes.

The action items are broken down into a clear, concise table. The action type, owner, and bug are confirmed, ensuring everyone knows who is in charge of what.

The report concludes with a comprehensive section on lessons learned. Unpacking what went well, what went wrong, and where we got lucky is essential. The entire incident culminates in a step-by-step timeline, including timestamps and essential updates. Any supporting information is noted for future reference.

Postmortem Example

Shakespeare Sonnet++ Postmortem (incident #465)

Date: 2015-10-21

Authors: jennifer, martym, agoogler

Status: Complete, action items in progress

Summary: Shakespeare Search down for 66 minutes during period of very high interest in Shakespeare due to discovery of a new sonnet.

Impact: Estimated 1.21B queries lost, no revenue impact.

Root Causes: Cascading failure due to combination of exceptionally high load and a resource leak when searches failed due to terms not being in the Shakespeare corpus. The newly discovered sonnet used a word that had never before appeared in one of Shakespeare’s works, which happened to be the term users searched for. Under normal circumstances, the rate of task failures due to resource leaks is low enough to be unnoticed.

Trigger: Latent bug triggered by sudden increase in traffic.

Resolution: Directed traffic to sacrificial cluster and added 10x capacity to mitigate cascading failure. Updated index deployed, resolving interaction with latent bug. Maintaining extra capacity until surge in public interest in new sonnet passes. Resource leak identified and fix deployed.

Detection: Borgmon detected high level of HTTP 500s and paged on-call.

Action Items:

Action Item
Update playbook with instructions for responding to cascading failure
n/a DONE
Use flux capacitor to balance load between clusters
Bug 5554823 TODO
Schedule cascading failure test during next DiRT
n/a TODO
Investigate running index MR/fusion continuously
Bug 5554824 TODO
Plug file descriptor leak in search ranking subsystem
Bug 5554825 DONE
Add load shedding capabilities to Shakespeare search
Bug 5554826 TODO
Build regression tests to ensure servers respond sanely to queries of death
Bug 5554827 TODO
Deploy updated search ranking subsystem to prod
n/a DONE
Freeze production until 2015-11-20 due to error budget exhaustion, or seek exception due to grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre, and unprecedented circumstances
n/a TODO

Lessons Learned

What went well

  1. Monitoring quickly alerted us to high rate (reaching ~100%) of HTTP 500s
  2. Rapidly distributed updated Shakespeare corpus to all clusters

What went wrong

  1. We’re out of practice in responding to cascading failure
  2. We exceeded our availability error budget (by several orders of magnitude) due to the exceptional surge of traffic that essentially all resulted in failures

Where we got lucky

  1. Mailing list of Shakespeare aficionados had a copy of new sonnet available
  2. Server logs had stack traces pointing to file descriptor exhaustion as cause for crash
  3. Query-of-death was resolved by pushing new index containing popular search term


2015-10-21 (all times UTC)

  1. 14:51 News reports that a new Shakespearean sonnet has been discovered in a Delorean’s glove compartment
  2. 14:53 Traffic to Shakespeare search increases by 88x after post to /r/shakespeare points to Shakespeare search engine as place to find new sonnet (except we don’t have the sonnet yet)
  3. 14:54 OUTAGE BEGINS — Search backends start melting down under load
  4. 14:55 docbrown receives pager storm, ManyHttp500s from all clusters
  5. 14:57 All traffic to Shakespeare search is failing: see http://monitor
  6. 14:58 docbrown starts investigating, finds backend crash rate very high
  7. 15:01 INCIDENT BEGINS docbrown declares incident #465 due to cascading failure, coordination on #shakespeare, names jennifer incident commander
  8. 15:02 someone coincidentally sends email to shakespeare-discuss@ re sonnet discovery, which happens to be at top of martym’s inbox
  9. 15:03 jennifer notifies shakespeare-incidents@ list of the incident
  10. 15:04 martym tracks down text of new sonnet and looks for documentation on corpus update
  11. 15:06 docbrown finds that crash symptoms identical across all tasks in all clusters, investigating cause based on application logs
  12. 15:07 martym finds documentation, starts prep work for corpus update
  13. 15:10 martym adds sonnet to Shakespeare’s known works, starts indexing job
  14. 15:12 docbrown contacts clarac & agoogler (from Shakespeare dev team) to help with examining codebase for possible causes
  15. 15:18 clarac finds smoking gun in logs pointing to file descriptor exhaustion, confirms against code that leak exists if term not in corpus is searched for
  16. 15:20 martym’s index MapReduce job completes
  17. 15:21 jennifer and docbrown decide to increase instance count enough to drop load on instances that they’re able to do appreciable work before dying and being restarted
  18. 15:23 docbrown load balances all traffic to USA-2 cluster, permitting instance count increase in other clusters without servers failing immediately
  19. 15:25 martym starts replicating new index to all clusters
  20. 15:28 docbrown starts 2x instance count increase
  21. 15:32 jennifer changes load balancing to increase traffic to nonsacrificial clusters
  22. 15:33 tasks in nonsacrificial clusters start failing, same symptoms as before
  23. 15:34 found order-of-magnitude error in whiteboard calculations for instance count increase
  24. 15:36 jennifer reverts load balancing to resacrifice USA-2 cluster in preparation for additional global 5x instance count increase (to a total of 10x initial capacity)
  25. 15:36 OUTAGE MITIGATED, updated index replicated to all clusters
  26. 15:39 docbrown starts second wave of instance count increase to 10x initial capacity
  27. 15:41 jennifer reinstates load balancing across all clusters for 1% of traffic
  28. 15:43 nonsacrificial clusters’ HTTP 500 rates at nominal rates, task failures intermittent at low levels
  29. 15:45 jennifer balances 10% of traffic across nonsacrificial clusters
  30. 15:47 nonsacrificial clusters’ HTTP 500 rates remain within SLO, no task failures observed
  31. 15:50 30% of traffic balanced across nonsacrificial clusters
  32. 15:55 50% of traffic balanced across nonsacrificial clusters
  33. 16:00 OUTAGE ENDS, all traffic balanced across all clusters
  34. 16:30 INCIDENT ENDS, reached exit criterion of 30 minutes’ nominal performance

Supporting information:

  1. Monitoring dashboard, http://monitor/shakespeare?end_time=20151021T160000&duration=7200

Google’s postmortem template uses a Shakespearean sonnet example to bring it to life. Significant facts are outlined from the get-go, including date, authors, status, summary, impact, and root causes. The trigger, resolution, and detection are all defined on the first page, giving readers a big-picture understanding of the project in minutes.

The action items are broken down into a clear, concise table. The action type, owner, and bug are confirmed, ensuring everyone knows who is in charge of what.

The report concludes with a comprehensive section on lessons learned. Unpacking what went well, what went wrong, and where we got lucky is essential. The entire incident culminates in a step-by-step timeline, including timestamps and essential updates. Any supporting information is noted for future reference.

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