Clear communication and efficient execution are core values of Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange platform. These values are woven into Coinbase's day-to-day decision making framework, which represents how the values are operationalized within the company.
The framework provides structure, clarity, and efficiency, ensuring informed choices and empowering teams to make impactful decisions. With it, teams can easily set decision parameters, define the decision, determine the decision maker(s), gather input, and identify those affected by the decision. Whether it's a strategic milestone or a daily operational concern, Coinbase's framework can be applied to a variety of decisions to instill confidence in the deliberation process and ensure that ideas are communicated clearly and understood by all.
Decision Making Framework
What are we deciding?
Top 3 features to prioritize on Q1 roadmap
By when?
Who is the decision maker(s)?
Who are the input providers?
Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dan, Eve, Frank
Who is affected by the decision?
All employees
What type of decision is it?
How long will we commit to the decision?
30 days
Earliest date to revisit
Num votes per person
Decision made by
Option 1 and Option 2 in that order
Communicated on
Communicated to
employees@ email and on slack
Brief rationale
Although option 2 got more votes, I felt it was better to prioritize Option 1 higher, given the urgency around X.
Clear communication and efficient execution are core values of Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange platform. These values are woven into Coinbase's day-to-day decision making framework, which represents how the values are operationalized within the company.
The framework provides structure, clarity, and efficiency, ensuring informed choices and empowering teams to make impactful decisions. With it, teams can easily set decision parameters, define the decision, determine the decision maker(s), gather input, and identify those affected by the decision. Whether it's a strategic milestone or a daily operational concern, Coinbase's framework can be applied to a variety of decisions to instill confidence in the deliberation process and ensure that ideas are communicated clearly and understood by all.