
Reference call questions

Gem is revolutionizing the way companies gather valuable insights about potential candidates through their innovative reference call platform. By streamlining the process and asking the right questions, Gem ensures that hiring managers have all the information they need to make informed decisions about the perfect fit for their team. With a focus on understanding the candidate's strengths, areas for improvement, and overall working style, Gem's platform is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of each candidate's potential for success.

The platform offers a series of carefully curated questions that delve into the candidate's previous work experience, achievements, and work ethic. By guiding the reference through these questions, Gem ensures that hiring managers receive a well-rounded understanding of the candidate's capabilities and potential for growth. This invaluable information can then be used to set the candidate up for success in their first 90 days and beyond.

Gem's commitment to providing a seamless and efficient reference call experience has made them a trusted partner for companies looking to make the best possible hiring decisions. By offering a platform that focuses on the most important aspects of a candidate's work history and personality, Gem is helping businesses build stronger, more successful teams. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the benefits of Gem's innovative platform for your company's hiring process.

Reference call questions

  1. Start with some context on your company & the role you’re considering the candidate for
  2. Learn more about the reference itself & their relationship to the candidate
  3. What was your role at the company?
  4. How do you know the candidate?
  5. How did you work with the candidate? How long?
  6. How was the team structured?
  7. Get a high-level overview of the candidate’s work
  8. What was the candidate’s role at the company?
  9. Can you share a few examples of what the candidate worked on?
  10. Strengths
  11. What would you say is the candidate’s biggest strength?
  12. Which aspects of their job did the candidate really lean in on?
  13. What was the candidate’s biggest achievement while you worked with them?
  14. Areas for improvement / gaps
  15. What advice would you give to yourself if you were to manage the candidate?
  16. What other ingredients does the candidate need on his/her team to be successful?
  17. If we are to bring the candidate onboard, what advice would you have for me to set them up for success in their first 90 days?
  18. If you were to work with the candidate again, what would be the one area you’d coach them on?
  19. [optional] Ask about other areas that may be important to understand depending on the specific candidate and/or role:
  20. Working style — how would you describe the candidate’s working style?
  21. Receptive to feedback — do you have an example of a time you gave candidate feedback? how did they respond?
  22. Personality — what is it like to work with the candidate day-to-day?
  23. Work ethic — how would you describe their work ethic? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rank the candidate in terms of work ethic?
  24. Have them quantify the candidate overall
  25. On a scale from 1-10, how would you rank the candidate compared to their peers?
  26. If not a 10, what would it take to get them to a 10?
  27. Where would you put candidate on a scale of: the best person I’ve worked with to, top 5%, 10%, 25%, above average, average
  28. Would you hire the candidate again?

Gem is revolutionizing the way companies gather valuable insights about potential candidates through their innovative reference call platform. By streamlining the process and asking the right questions, Gem ensures that hiring managers have all the information they need to make informed decisions about the perfect fit for their team. With a focus on understanding the candidate's strengths, areas for improvement, and overall working style, Gem's platform is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of each candidate's potential for success.

The platform offers a series of carefully curated questions that delve into the candidate's previous work experience, achievements, and work ethic. By guiding the reference through these questions, Gem ensures that hiring managers receive a well-rounded understanding of the candidate's capabilities and potential for growth. This invaluable information can then be used to set the candidate up for success in their first 90 days and beyond.

Gem's commitment to providing a seamless and efficient reference call experience has made them a trusted partner for companies looking to make the best possible hiring decisions. By offering a platform that focuses on the most important aspects of a candidate's work history and personality, Gem is helping businesses build stronger, more successful teams. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the benefits of Gem's innovative platform for your company's hiring process.

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