
Job Story Template

Intercom, a customer messaging software, uses a Job Story Template to tackle new product directions, ensure internal clarity throughout and customer satisfaction in the end.

The template aims to provide a clear understanding of the problem at hand, which they call a Job Story, backed by customer conversations and thorough research. By illuminating all facets of the issue and its impact on different parts of the company, it paves the way for an effective solution.

The template concludes with a reminder that the completed version should fit neatly on a printed A4 page, as clarity is key, and that it should read as a friendly and straightforward conversation. With Intercom's framework, teams can ensure that everyone involved understands the problem and has the opportunity to contribute to its solution.

Job Story Template

What problem are we solving and why?

Add the problem we’re solving (or speculative opportunity we are addressing), why we’re solving it, any links to customer conversations or research. Clearly explain all facets of the problem and how if affects different parts of Intercom.

Job Stories

Describe job stories to make the value we deliver to customers clear, and what it will enable them to do: When _____, I want to be able to _____, so I can _____.

How will we measure success?

Add how we will determine whether the problem has being solved. Qualitative and quantitative measures.


Once high level product design is figured out, add the releases below, what is in scope and out of scope, and estimated dates for shipping to beta.


  1. Do not add the solution here.
  2. An Intermission must always fit on a printed A4 page. If it does not, you haven’t a clear enough view of the problem yet. Keep working on it.
  3. Always have active and upcoming Intermissions printed in your team area or war room. ­ Always use plain simple English, no technical terminology or codenames. Write this document as you would describe the problem to a colleague face to face.
  4. The PM owns the Intermission, but should always always solicit input from the full team.

Intercom, a customer messaging software, uses a Job Story Template to tackle new product directions, ensure internal clarity throughout and customer satisfaction in the end.

The template aims to provide a clear understanding of the problem at hand, which they call a Job Story, backed by customer conversations and thorough research. By illuminating all facets of the issue and its impact on different parts of the company, it paves the way for an effective solution.

The template concludes with a reminder that the completed version should fit neatly on a printed A4 page, as clarity is key, and that it should read as a friendly and straightforward conversation. With Intercom's framework, teams can ensure that everyone involved understands the problem and has the opportunity to contribute to its solution.

Related examples in Product Requirements Document (PRD)
Problem Requirements Document
PRD Template