A well-thought-out strategy document can drive successful projects and help teams meet their goals. Ramp, a corporate finance operations platform, uses a strategy template to serve as the near-term roadmap for its teams.
It walks users through seven steps: goal, hypothesis, right to win, metric, initiatives, risks, and long term outcomes. Each step is a piece of the overall strategy that documents the path to success. Supported by solid hypotheses, the document creates a clear strategy to achieve objectives.
Using this template, teams are empowered to prioritize initiatives, focusing on high-impact actions that minimize risk and compound success in the long term.
Strategy Template
This template serves to outline a clear and crisp (1-2 pages tops) strategy document for each pod that will govern the near term roadmap. This document defines the goals of the team, justifies how achieving this goal will help us grow, and outlines the priorities of the team to achieve them.
Define your team’s purpose & north star metric.
Explain your hypothesis for how we reach our goal - this is the strategy
Why do you think we are uniquely positioned to accomplish this goal vs. everyone else
Link to dashboards. Limit to 3 metrics tops. Define the metric, the value, and commentary on the status (red/yellow/green)
Define a prioritized list of initiatives to achieve these goals. Limit to 3-4 initiatives per goal
What are the long term outcomes that will build on top of this work for our competitive advantage in the market?
A well-thought-out strategy document can drive successful projects and help teams meet their goals. Ramp, a corporate finance operations platform, uses a strategy template to serve as the near-term roadmap for its teams.
It walks users through seven steps: goal, hypothesis, right to win, metric, initiatives, risks, and long term outcomes. Each step is a piece of the overall strategy that documents the path to success. Supported by solid hypotheses, the document creates a clear strategy to achieve objectives.
Using this template, teams are empowered to prioritize initiatives, focusing on high-impact actions that minimize risk and compound success in the long term.