Employee Onboarding

Set your new teammates up for success from Day 1

Employee Onboarding by Slab

The value of a good onboarding experience is difficult to overstate, as it can truly make or break the employee experience. Research shows that thoughtful, high-quality new hire onboarding leads to increased employee productivity, retention, and satisfaction. It acclimates employees to the role and culture, and makes them feel more engaged and committed to the company's success in the long-term. Businesses who onboard their new hires correctly achieve nearly double the profit of companies that don’t follow any onboarding strategy. If employees don’t feel engaged in their work or confident in their roles, their productivity suffers. Poor onboarding is often the reason employees quit in the first six months. Get inspired and make your own employee onboarding program as easy and as streamlined as possible. Use Slab's onboarding templates to help set your employees up for success from their very first day!